Saturday, January 28, 2017

Upcoming Events

Hello Dear Readers--Welcome to 2017--it promises to be a year of unknown surprises in the political realm.  So hang on for dear life and hopefully we can all enjoy the ride.  

I'm looking at my story telling bookings for the first few months of our new year and want to invite my bloggers to join me for a good story if they can get out to any of these events.  I'll also have two new publications coming off the presses soon.  My first children's book is at the publishers for final detailing and will be released soon.  It is about an adventure my 6 year old granddaughter, Kennedy, and I had one day three years ago.  I was babysitting and wanted some fresh air so we went for a walk near my place.  We managed to see several animals in the wild.  The book tells the story of how I and the computer answered all the questions she had about those animals.  The second publication s my second booklet about Happy Chandler.  It reviews a couple of key questions about Happy in his first term as Governor and as Baseball Commissioner. If you would like to now more about either publication send me an email at  

As for my speaking engagements.  They are all free and open to the public so please attend one if possible.  Introduce yourself to me as one of my bloggers.  I will love to hear from you.  First upcoming event will be at Owensboro on February 9 at 6 pm.  I will talk about the Giants Love Affair at the Library.  I will tell the same tale a few days later on Valentin's Day at Alice Lloyd College in Pippa Passes.  There will be a noon luncheon with Bill Goodman, formerly of KET, speaking followed by my presentation to the students in Campbell Hall at 1 pm.  Both of the Giant presentations will be Kentucky Humanities sponsored events and you are invited to attend. In March you can hear me tell Happy Chandler stories at Lindsay Wilson College in Columbia.  I will speak in Hodge Auditorium at 3:30 pm.  Remember that they are on Central time if you will be driving from the east .  Then on the 23rd I will tell another story about Happy Chandler at 5 pm in the Graves County Library at Mayfield.  Both of the Chandler appearances will also be Kentucky Humanities events and are free and you are invited to come, listen to my story and by all means introduce yourself.  

I look forward to hitting the road  to tell my stories and hope some of you can join me.

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