Meet Richard Crowe

Meet Richard!

Richard Crowe was born in Ohio of two Appalachian parents drawn there to do their part in winning World War II. After graduating from high school and working for a year at Dayton Tire he headed to Kentucky to attend Morehead State University which led to a 40-year career in higher education.
Most of the time Richard taught business and economics at Kentucky Colleges to students who were the first in their families to attend college, a situation he came from and appreciated in his students. In addition to his classroom duties he worked in student housing, community service, institutional research, and headed a teaching center at various times. During that time he also worked as an expert witness and financial advisor.
After retiring, Richard led his local United Way for three years before deciding it was time to enjoy life by becoming a story teller and author. He writes about Kentucky characters Martin Van Buren Bates, the giant who married a giant–his nephew Bad John Wright–writer James Still–Bad Tom Smith, who was bad enough to be hung but good enough to be saved by God and Happy Chandler, Kentucky’s favorite son.

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